Country: World
Registration deadline: 25 Oct 2019
Starting date: 04 Nov 2019
Ending date: 13 Dec 2019
In recent years, numbers of people forcibly displaced from their homes have reached record highs. More people than ever flee political conflict and persecution, poverty, and climate change-related disasters. In search of livelihoods and safety, migrants find themselves at risk of becoming victims of smugglers or traffickers. In light of an ongoing humanitarian focus on issues of displacement and migration, this course will provide students with historical background and relevant context through an academic lens.
Students are given an enhanced awareness and understanding of the complex interaction between migration and humanitarian interventions from multiple points of view, including migrants, host communities, hosting authorities, and the humanitarian sector. They will engage with academic material about the history of humanitarian responses to displacement; drivers of migration; durable solutions; among other topics. They will also learn from migration theory and case studies depicting situations of displacement around the world.
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
- Identify the key elements of forced migration and show how this fits into the overall pattern of human migration.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the legal, security, social and economic components of forced migration and the international framework in which organizations provide protection and assistance.
- Synthesize international instruments, political realities, and the human suffering endured by forced migrants
- Apply knowledge of forced migration to plan and deliver appropriate humanitarian action.
This course is required for the IDOHA module of the MIHA. Students can take each of our short courses for academic credit toward a Master of Arts in International Humanitarian Action (MIHA) degree, or they can participate in the course without receiving academic credit.
How to register:
Apply Now
To apply for the Master in International Humanitarian Action (MIHA):
- Create an application
- Select “Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.”
- Select “Masters in Humanitarian Action”
To apply to the Advanced Certificate in International Diploma in Humanitarian Assistance (IDHA):
- Create an application
- Select “Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.”
- Select “Advanced Certificate in International Diploma in Humanitarian Assistance”
- Select either Spring, Summer or Fall
To apply to the Advanced Certificate in International Diploma in Operational Humanitarian Assistance:
- Create an application
- Select “Graduate School of Arts and Sciences”
- Select “Advanced Certificate in International Diploma in Operational Humanitarian Assistance”
To apply to the Advanced Certificate in International Diploma in the Management of Humanitarian Action:
- Create an application
- Select “Graduate School of Arts and Sciences”
- Select “Advanced Certificate in International Diploma in the Management of Humanitarian Action”
To apply to an IIHA short course or professional training (including online courses):
- Create an application
- Select “Graduate School of Arts and Sciences”
- Select “International Humanitarian Action”
- Select “Non Degree/Non Matriculated”
- Indicate the desired course(s) on form.
Any questions regarding the application process may be directed to Ellen Bratina.